▷ Investing Property in Spain | Advantages for French
Agence Occitane

Why invest in Spain?

European record for sunshine

Buying in Spain means investing in the sun. In Spain, you will enjoy an exceptional climate with an average of more than 300 days of sunshine per year. And even 320 days in Andalusia.

The cost of living

Spanish services, leisure facilities and shops are of the same quality as in France, Belgium or other European countries, but at much lower prices (restaurants, transport, clothing, leisure activities, etc.).

An advantageous tax regime for foreigners

We are French and Spanish banking partners, so we can provide you with a financial solution adapted to your particular situation. We find the best financing so that you can afford to buy your property in Spain.

A destination of proximity

Spain has more than 30 international airports, seven major cruise ports, almost 3,000 kilometres of high-speed rail lines, the largest network of expressways and motorways in Europe (90% of motorways are toll-free) and an excellent public transport system in its major cities.

Buying a home in Spain in 2022 is cheaper than elsewhere in Europe!

Spain offers the best value for money, especially for buying by the sea. Between 2008 and 2016, property prices fell by 26%. Although they have since risen again, they are still low compared to France.

Lower property costs

The property charges for a home in Madrid, Barcelona or elsewhere in Spain are much lower than in France, Belgium or Switzerland. Property tax (IBI in Spain) is on average 40% lower in Spain than in other European countries. And the housing tax… has never existed in Spain! As for co-ownership charges, they are on average half as high as in France.

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